Signs of Safety (Safety Organized Practice SOP)

Signs of Safety is a relationship-grounded, safety-organized approach to child protection practice. It was created by child protection workers for child protection workers to build partnerships with parents and children in situations of suspected or substantiated child abuse and still deal with maltreatment issues. Signs of Safety includes a risk assessment framework that is used together with families from case start to finish. Signs of Safety also includes a series of tools designed to get children’s voice on what is happening to them in the care of adults and safety planning together with children and families. Signs of Safety has […]

Silver Lining Mentoring

Silver Lining Mentoring is a one-to-one volunteer program that matches youth (ages 7 and older) with caring, consistent adult volunteers. Mentors volunteers commit to at least one year of mentoring, however, most matches last significantly longer. The average match length for mentors is 55 months. Mentors are thoroughly screened and provided with at least 7 hours of training. Mentors spend at least 8 hours with their mentee, which includes in-person meetings, contact by phone, email etc. Mentors and mentees participate in various activities in the community or in the home. These activities encourage social development, and give youth opportunities to […]

Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation plus Modified Prolonged Exposure(STAIR/MPE)

STAIR/MPE is a sequential, two-phase treatment based in a developmental model which is designed to be sensitive to the disturbances in attachment, emotion regulation, and interpersonal functioning that survivors of childhood or chronic interpersonal violence often bring to treatment. Phase 1: Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR) is designed to enhance day-to-day functioning by building emotion regulation capacities and interpersonal skills and provides a window of opportunity for client and therapist to develop a strong therapeutic alliance. Phase 2 of treatment is a modified version of prolonged exposure (MPE).

Social Skills Group Intervention (S.S.GRIN) 3-5

Social Skills Group Intervention (S.S. GRIN) is a training program designed to develop and enhance behavioral and cognitive social skills for children in 3rd through 5th grade who are experiencing peer relationship difficulties. Program sessions use instruction and various hands-on activities, such as role playing and modeling

Solution-Based Casework

Solution-Based Casework (SBC) provides a common conceptual map for child welfare caseworkers, supervisors, leadership, and treatment providers to help focus everyone’s efforts on clear and agreed upon outcomes. The approach is designed to help child welfare workers focus on the family in order to support the safety and well-being of their children. The approach targets specific everyday events in the life of a family that have caused difficulty. SBC has materials available in English, Mandarin, and Spanish.

Stanford Sierra Youth & Families in California- Post Adoption Services (PAS)

Stanford Sierra Youth & Families Post-Adoption Program provides various mental health services to adoptive families. This includes: family therapy, individual therapy for children, linkages to community resources, consultations with staff at childÂ’s school, caregiver skill training/coaching, and support groups.

Step-by-Step Parenting Program

Step-by-Step Parenting Program is evidence-based and focuses on teaching skills to parents with learning differences, including parents who have intellectual disabilities, FASD, autism spectrum disorder, acquired brain injury, slow learners, learning disabilities, and low-reading skills. Program can also be beneficial to inexperienced parents and caregivers, child-care workers and babysitters. Step-by-Step breaks down and teaches essential child-care skills for children from birth to about 3 years old into small steps. Covers a wide-range of parenting skills related to child health, safety, and development. The recommended service delivery is 1 home visit per week lasting 1.5-2 hours; the number of visits can […]

Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS)

Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS) is a strength-based group model for youth ages 12 – 21 who are living with ongoing stress or experiencing problems in several areas of functioning. Treatment consists of 16 one-hour sessions. SPARCS can be delivered in a variety of settings including outpatient clinics, school, and residential treatment facilitates. SPARCS has also been delivered in juvenile justice and child welfare settings.

Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP)

Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) is a multicomponent parenting education curriculum. STEP programs help parents learn effective ways to relate to their children, learn how to encourage cooperative behavior and how not to reinforce negative behaviors, and change dysfunctional relationships with their children by offering alternatives to ineffective methods of discipline and control STEP is offered in three separate programs: early childhood, children ages 7-12, and teenagers. STEP programs have weekly, 60-90-minute sessions. The program lasts around 7 weeks. Delivery of STEP can take place in the family home, hospital, outpatient clinic, community-based agency, group or residential care, and […]

Teaching-Family Model (TFM)

Teaching-Family Model (TFM) is a strength-based, comprehensive, and trauma-informed model of care that prioritizes therapeutic relationships with caregivers as the primary conduit of effective treatment in supportive family-style settings. TFM can be used with children, youth and adults with a wide range of diagnoses and symptoms, as well as with those who have experienced significant trauma, maltreatment and loss. TFM has been applied in residential group homes, home-based services, foster care and treatment foster care, schools and psychiatric institutions. For residential settings, TFM is a 24/7 arrangement. For home-based interventions, TFM is 10-15 sessions per week. Recommended duration of TFM […]

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