Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS): International Center for Clinical Excellence

The Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) is a client feedback program for improving the treatment outcomes of adults and children participating in a behavioral health care intervention. PCOMS, which is integrated into each treatment session, consists of two brief scales that measure robust predictors of therapeutic success: 1)The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS), which assesses the client’s therapeutic progress (through ratings of psychological functioning and distress) and the client’s perceived benefit of treatment and 2)The Session Rating Scale (SRS), which assesses the client’s perception of the client-therapist alliance (i.e., the quality of the relational bond with the therapist and […]

Pathways to Permanency Program (P2P)

Pathways to Permanency Program (P2P) model provides a wide range of trauma informed services incorporating foster and adoption issues to strengthen and support families. Caregivers can consult with clinicians on determining whether to become a foster or adoptive parent is right for the family; Deciding if a specific child placement is a good match for the family; Parenting with a history of trauma; Managing complexities of relationships with birth families, service providers and previous caregivers; Preparing siblings for the arrival of a new foster or adoptive child and/or addressing challenges that can arise between siblings; and Developing trauma informed strategies […]

Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN)

Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN) is a network of adoption and permanency-focused service delivery. They also offer at-risk-youth programs, including a weekend alternative program, day treatment, sexual-offender services, mentoring program for youth who have aged out of systems, experiential wilderness-based services, family and mental health counseling and supportive programs, and pregnancy services. The State of Pennsylvania contracts with Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries to provide these services.

Positive Indian Parenting (PIP)

Positive Indian Parenting (PIP), is a curriculum developed by the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) to parents and families remember Native teachings and practice them. There are 8 sessions grounded in traditional Native teachings about child rearing. PIP facilitates local adaptation through discussion questions and exercises. PIP can be provided in group settings, in-home one-on-one instruction, and virtual instruction.

Preparation for Adoption Readiness for Kids in Alaska (PARKA)

Preparation for Adoption Readiness for Kids in Alaska (PARKA) is a comprehensive adoption preparation, training, and support program that specializes in older youth and sibling group adoptions. PARAKA families are supported during every step of the adoption process from licensing, training, matching disclosure, transition, post-placement, and post-adoption. During PARKA, families are guided through 5 phases: (1) 28 hours of adoption training; (2) Home Study; (3) Identification and matching with waiting children; (4) Post-placement to finalization; and (5) Six-month post-finalization. PARKA also provides families resource referrals, trauma informed parenting, support groups, coaching, and individualized therapy. PARKA is free of charge to […]

Pressley Ridge Treatment Foster Care Program (PR-TFC)

The Pressley Ridge Treatment Foster Care (PR-TFC) program is designed to provide intensive, effective, and short-term treatment to youth ages 12 – 18 with emotional and behavior problems in a home environment with the foster parent as the primary agent of change. The model uses treatment foster parents who are given advanced clinical and technical training and support in order to best serve the youth placed in their home. Treatment is guided by a treatment plan that is implemented by the treatment parents. The treatment plan consists of goals tailored to each youth’s needs and problems. The PR-TFC model has […]

Prevention and Relationship Education Program (PREP)

The Prevention and Relationship Education Program (PREP) is a relationship education intervention that teaches couples (married and unmarried) how to communicate effectively, work as a team to solve problems, manage conflicts without damaging closeness, and preserve and enhance commitment and friendship. PREP uses techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy and addresses topics such as communication, affect management, conflict management, commitment, fun and friendship, problem-solving, forgiveness, and emotional supportiveness. PREP is not meant as therapy or counseling, but as relationship education efforts. PREP is available in English and Spanish.

Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST) aka The Kazdin Method of Parenting

Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST) (also known as the Kazdin Method of Parenting) is aimed at decreasing inappropriate or disruptive behavior in children ages 7 – 14. The program teaches that problem behaviors arise because children lack constructive ways to deal with thoughts and feelings and instead resort to dysfunctional ones. The program uses a cognitive-behavioral approach to teach techniques in managing thoughts and feelings, and interacting appropriately with others. Specific techniques include modeling, role-playing, positive reinforcement of appropriate behavior, and teaching alternative behaviors. Children are typically given homework to help them practice implementing these skills. Most sessions are individual, but […]

Problem-Solving Skills Training plus Parent Management Training (PSST + PMT)

Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST) is a therapeutic intervention aimed at teaching children ages 7 to 14 with conduct disorder how to approach interpersonal situations. Treatment consists 50-minute weekly individual sessions, for approximately 8 to 14 weeks. The program uses a cognitive-behavioral approach to teach techniques in managing thoughts and feelings, and interacting appropriately with others. Specific techniques include modeling, role-playing, positive reinforcement of appropriate behavior, and teaching alternative behaviors. Children are typically given homework to help them practice implementing these skills. Therapists also teach parents to help their child reinforce their new skills. Parent Management Treatment (PMT) focuses on changing […]

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Adolescents (PE-A)

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Adolescents (PE-A) is a therapeutic treatment where adolescents with chronic PTSD and related symptoms ages 12 – 18 are encouraged to repeatedly approach situations or activities they are avoiding because they remind them of their trauma (in vivo exposure), as well as to revisit the traumatic memory several times through retelling it (imaginal exposure). PE-A is based on basic cognitive-behavioral principals, is a flexible therapy that can be modified to fit the needs of individual clients, is designed to help clients process traumatic events and reduce trauma-induced psychological disturbances. PE-A sessions are 60-90 minutes in length, […]

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