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5 Steps for Creating a Theory of Change

Identifies six steps in creating a theory of change—defining the problem, defining the end goal, defining steps to reach the end goal, mapping activities, identifying assumptions, and writing a narrative. Although written for international development programs, has information and steps that are applicable in other social services contexts.

A Blueprint for Embedding Evidence-Based Practices in Child Welfare

Emphasizes the importance of sustainable implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in child welfare. This article highlights the challenges and need for a structured approach. In addition, it explores the need to assess and select interventions, establish and sustain implementation teams as well as develop and align implementation infrastructure.

A Need to Know: Enhancing Adoption Competence among Mental Health Providers

Explores the importance of adoption competence, defines key competencies, and makes recommendations to ensure that more mental health providers are truly able to meet the needs of adoptive families.

A Roadmap for Collaborative and Effective Evaluation in Tribal Communities

Presents a shared vision for the future of tribal child welfare research and evaluation collaboratively developed by tribal child welfare administrators, academic and community evaluators and researchers, TA providers, and federal partners. Highlights tribal sovereignty and the meaningful inclusion of tribal voices to enhance tribal research and evaluation capacity.

Access to Adoption Information

Provides information on accessing adoption records. This article discusses the need for confidentiality related to adoption records, non-identifying information, and mutual consent registries. This article also provides a link to state statues.

Accessing Services and Support Key Points

Provides guidance to prospective foster and adoptive parents about building a support network. Can be used by professionals to help parents build a therapeutic web of support.

Accessing the Benefits of Post-Adoption Supports

Presents research conducted by an MPLD Fellow on accessing the benefits of post adoption services. This video highlights the process, results and application completed by the fellow.

Addressing Grief and Loss in Family Support Efforts

Describes how grief and loss affect resource families. Shares tools and strategies to increase staff knowledge about grief and loss, including through the use of the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI). Shares how several support programs incorporate grief and loss into their services for resources families.
Web Page

Addressing Work-Related Traumatic Stress

Offers a variety of resources related to how Nebraska implemented an effort to prevent and address secondary traumatic stress and burnout in its child welfare workforce.

Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care 1

Provides general information on adoption and guardianship, highlighting differences and trends in state laws. This resource also includes a National Comparison chart and state specific charts to provide addeitional information.
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