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Web Page

Child Welfare Financing Survey SFY2020 Web Page

Provides numerous resources related to Child Trends’ 12th edition of its national survey of child welfare agency expenditures. Includes a detailed report, as well as an executive summary and state-level data, plus deeper dives into each funding stream.

Child Welfare Financing Survey SFY2020: A Survey of Federal, State, and Local Expenditures

Provides a detailed report on the results of Child Trends’ 12th edition of its national survey of child welfare agency expenditures. Presents accurate, up-to-date information on states’ financing, and on the financing-related challenges and opportunities that agencies face in serving children and families.

Child Welfare’s Responsibility to Promote Child and Family Well-Being Post-Permanency: The Need to Create a Robust Permanency Continuum Framework

Provides and overview of the Quality Improvement Center on Adoption and Guardianship and explains the permanency continuum framework. Viewers will hear from New Jersey and Vermont as they discuss the implementation of QIC AG interventions in their state.

Childhood Adversity Screenings Are Just One Part of an Effective Policy Response to Childhood Trauma

Provides cautions related to simply assessing children for adverse experiences. Presents recommended strategies for addressing childhood adversity, including that screenings be just one component of a comprehensive, trauma-informed, strengths-based approach to addressing childhood adversity.
Research/Lit. Review

Children Adopted from Foster Care: Adoption Agreements, Adoption Subsidies, and Other Post-Adoption Supports

Presents information on post-adoption supports and services including adoption subsidy payments and Medicaid coverage and other services such as support groups for parents and children.

Children Exposed to Maltreatment: Assessment and the Role of Psychotropic Medication

Offers an overview of key issues facing children who have experienced maltreatment plus guidance on the assessment and treatment of related mental health conditions with a particular focus on the appropriate use of psychotropic medication.

Community Tool Box:  Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change

Offers detailed information about why and how to create a logic model, including the benefits, when to use one, and how to link activities and their effects.
Web Page

Complex Child Trauma

Provides links to various resources related to complex child trauma, including how it can affect children in multiple domains such as attachment and relationships, physical health, emotional resources, behavior, cognition, and self-concept. Includes information about screening and assessment and effective interventions as well.

Connections Matter: Relationships with Birth Families are Important for Foster, Adopted Children

Explains why connections with birth families matter to children, explores the types of ongoing contact that may exist, and identifies ways that professionals can support these relationships among the adoption constellation.

Contact After Adoption or Guardianship: Child Welfare Agency and Family Interactions

Presents findings from state surveys and interviews about how child welfare agencies connect with families after adoption and guardianship, including state-initiated contact and parent- or youth-initiated contacts. Shares information about how sites track information about children after adoption and guardianship, including adoption or guardianship instability.
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