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Fact Sheets

Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care 2

Provides a broad, national overview of the adoption and guardianship legal pathways. This chart is intended as an accopanying tool to the Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care brief to help child welfare professionals assist kinship foster parents.
Web Page

Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care 3

Provides state-specific charts that focus on adoption and guardianship for children in kinship foster care so that these children can exit foster care into permanent families.

Adoption and Guardianship Preparation Training (AGPT)

Designed to prepare prospective adoptive and guardianship parents deepen their awareness and understanding about themselves and their children and to help build a strong foundation and lasting commitment for families who pursue adoption/guardianship.  The curriculum is divided into four sessions, each lasting about two hours.  This curriculum was developed by Harmony Family Center’s Adoption Support and Preservation Program in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services. It is available to use in part or whole, free of charge.   AGPT Trainer’s Guide.2024 AGPT Session 1 AGPT Session 2 AGPT Session 3 AGPT Session 4  

Adoption and Trauma: Risks, Recovery, and the Lived Experience of Adoption

Examines the links between early adversity, trauma, and adoption. Describes how pre-placement adversity can undermine neurobehavioral and interpersonal functioning, increasing the risk for long-term psychological difficulties. Examines children’s recovery when placed in a stable adoptive home. Explores adoption as a lived experience, highlighting contextual and developmental factors that facilitate the person’s positive or negative attributions about being adopted, leading to varying patterns of emotional adjustment.

Adoption Psychology: Top 25 Issues

Describes 25 psychological issues that are more common in adoption, including abandonment and attachment, control and defiance, stealth, and rage and grief.
Web Page

Adoptive Families Need Ongong Support

Discusses the need for specialized interventions for adoptive families to address underlying emotional issues and change behavior patterns. This article highlights adoption preservation services like those provided in Illinois that can help families manage their children’s behaviors. With specialized interventions and adoption preservation services, families report positive outcomes.

Adoptive Parent Survey

Offers an example of a survey sites can use to assess the needs of adoptive and guardianship families and the value of any services they have accessed.

Advances in Supporting Kinship Caregivers-Part 1

Showcases a selection of services and programs focusing on kinship relationships originating from Rhode Island. Key topics discussed encompass the distinct treatment of kinship caregivers by agencies and caseworkers, the challenges faced by kinship caregivers, strategies to enhance relationships between caseworkers and kinship caregivers, the roles and responsibilities of Rhode Island’s Family Search and Engagement team, and the implementation of a customer-service approach within the State’s Department of Children, Youth, and Families, with a focus on “managing emotions first.”

Advances in Supporting Kinship Caregivers-Part 2

Focuses on Washington State’s approach to providing kinship support services. This podcast further explores the unique challenges and dynamics within a rural Latinx community.

Advances in Supporting Kinship Caregivers-Part 3

Focuses on the successes experienced within Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe in Washington State on their prevention approach. This podcast emphasizes the significance in tailoring supports and services to meet the distinct needs and cultural backgrounds of the families they support.

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