Engaging Kinship Caregivers: Module 2-Loss and Ambivalence
Explores how kinship creates interruptions of the caregiver's plans, priorities, [...]
Explores how kinship creates interruptions of the caregiver's plans, priorities, [...]
Explores how to manage the understanding feelings of guilt that [...]
Highlights the rewards and challenges of providing permanency and stability [...]
Emphasizes the necessity of strong community supports to ceate a [...]
Demontrates the benefits and challenges of serving as a kinship/foster [...]
Demonstrates the dedication and flexibility needed when providing kinship care [...]
Address the challenges that some caregivers face in their dual [...]
Demonstrates the life adjustments and rewards of becoming a kinship [...]
Addresses the importance of being open to agency support and [...]
Emphasizes the importance of community and caseworker support in having [...]