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TBRI® Conversations: Attachment and Our Histories

How do I know that I can trust the world and the people in it? Is anyone really committed to my wellbeing? Do I have the tools to calm down if I need to? In this conversation, we explore how our own history our own attachment impact our sense of “Felt Safety” and our ability to live our lives freely.

TBRI® Conversations: Attachment and Self-Regulation

We do not come into the world with tools for self-regulation. Self-regulation skills emerge from a healthy attachment cycle when physical and emotional needs are met. When a healthy attachment hasn’t occurred, we need to create opportunities to help our children and youth learn self-regulation skills. In this video, we explore what teaching self-regulation skills might look like with children and youth of varying ages.

TBRI® Conversations: Big Behaviors, Needs

When we are caring for or working with children and youth who have experience trauma, we often worry most about the big behaviors. In this conversation, we use examples as we discuss how big behaviors are an indication that there are big needs that haven’t been met yet. We all need people that will still “see us” and help us through our “mess”. The key to addressing these challenges is to see the needs behind the behaviors and meet those needs.

TBRI® Conversations: Can’t vs. Won’t

When behavioral challenges come up, one of the questions we can ask ourselves is, “Is this a can’t or a won’t”. Is this child refusing to do something I have asked, or are they unable to do what I have asked? Have I set the bar appropriately? In this video, we explore how behavioral challenges are most often a “can’t” and how we can respond most effectively.

TBRI® Conversations: Chronological Age vs. Developmental Age

We know that children who have had traumatic or stressful histories are often developmentally much younger, and sometimes older, than their chronological age. In this video, we talk about the importance of understanding children/youth’s developmental age in the moment and meeting their needs accordingly. This may look very different than how you might respond based on their chronological age.

TBRI® Conversations: Connections

Connection is at the heart of TBRI®. Research has shown that relationships are one of the most powerful influences on a person’s wellbeing. In this video, we talk the importance a strong basis of connection in our relationships with our children and youth to support success when correcting and empowering.

TBRI® Conversations: Felt Safety

What does it really mean to have a sense of “Felt Safety”? In this conversation, we dive into what means to truly know that you are safe.

TBRI® Conversations: Four Skills of Healthy Attachment

There are 4 skills of healthy attachment that are the key to being able to have successful relationships and successful lives. They include the ability to give care, receive care, negotiate needs and be autonomous. Watch as we talk about how each of the 4 skills influence our lives and the way we care (or work with) our children and youth and what it looks like to teach the 4 skills. 

TBRI® Conversations: Mindfulness

Why does Mindfulness matter? What does it look like? Why does it matter when we think about TBRI®?

TBRI® Conversations: The “3 C’s” of Correcting

The “3 C’s” of correcting include leaving the situation feeling Connected, feeling Content, and having Changed Behavior. These are the goals of correction. How do we achieve this?

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