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It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Jammie’s Story

Addresses the importance of being open to agency support and resources and the necessity of self-care in working through family traditions and meeting needs. In this video, a kinship parent caring for her niece’s children reflects on her family’s strategies for raising children who have experienced trauma and the resources that enabled them to become effective kinship caregivers.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Jen’s Story

Highlights the significant impact agency staffhave on the kinship and foster parent experience and in helping families serve as a resource for the birth families of the children in their care. This video presents one family’s story of becoming a kinship resource and how support from their foster care specialist guided their decision.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Jilliana’s Story

Demontrates the benefits and challenges of serving as a kinship/foster parent and supporting and collaborating with children’s biological parents. This video highlights one caregiver’s decision to foster and adopt her son and become a kinship caregiver to his younger siblings. She discusses how she maintained a close, supportive relationship with their biological mother and how they ultimately created a united, blended family.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Jorge’s Story

Demonstrates the life adjustments and rewards of becoming a kinship caregiver. In this video, a caregiver shares his story of what motivated him to become a kinship parent. He discusses how caring for his sister’s children and a child with special needs, as well as managing a household, have changed his life and what encourages him to continue.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Kathy’s Story

Addresses the critical importance of having a strong support network to face the challenges of becoming a kinship resoure and caring for children who have experienced trauma. This video highlights one mother’s perspective on making the decision to become a kinship parent and the rewards brought by providing care for her kinship daughters.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Loraine’s Story

Highlights one foster and adoptive mother’s experience becoming a kinship caregiver for her own grandson and the impact of agency support. In this video, she discusses the fears and questions she faced in taking on this dual role of mother and grandmother and how a foster care specialist supported them during the transition.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Maria’s Story

Address the challenges that some caregivers face in their dual roles as grandparents and kinship parents and the value of support networks. In this video, a paternal grandparent discusses how she and her husband provide security and stability for their family by focusing on their grandsons’ emotional and educational needs with valuable agency support and maternal family involvement.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Morris and Michelle’s Story

Demonstrates the dedication and flexibility needed when providing kinship care in order to navigate things like visitation, schedules, foster care certification process, and permanency proceedings. In this video, kinship parents discuss coming from an empty nest and readjusting to the parenting role, the valuable assistance they received in the process of becoming certified foster parents, and the necessity of respite provided by family and friends.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Reba’s Story

Emphasizes the necessity of strong community supports to ceate a secure and stable enviroment for a new kinship family. In this video, a grandparent discusses moving acorss the country to ensure her grandchildren could their parents. She also discusses the resources and support networks that helped her become an effective kinship parent and that helped her granddaughters thrive, including their faith community, the children’s former foster parents, and other community members.

It’s All Relative: Supporting Kinship Care Video Series: Tamara’s Story

Addresses motivations for becoming a kinship parent and the importance of having agency guidance and support to navigate shifting family roles and dynamics. This video presents one family’s transition from kinship care to adoption and highlights resources that contributed to their success and their ability to provide permanency for their adoptive daughter.

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