Level 4 Triple P is one of the five levels of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program system. Level 4 Triple P helps parents learn strategies that promote social competence and self-regulation and decrease problem behaviors. Parents are encouraged to develop a parenting plan using “Level 4-Triple P” tools and strategies, then practice the parenting plans with their children. Parents will fine tune their parenting plan with practitioners based on if it’s working or not. Level 4 Triple P is offered in several formats: individual, group, self-direct, and online. The program typically takes place over 2-3 months, but duration may be long if accommodations are needed. Level 4 Triple P has materials available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Flemish, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, several other languages, Spanish, Swedish, and Vietnamese.
Increase competence in promoting healthy development and managing common child behavior problems and developmental issues; Reduce use of coercive and punitive methods of disciplining children; Increase use of positive parenting strategies in managing their children’s behavior; Increase confidence in raising their children; Decrease behavior problems in their children (for families experiencing difficult child behaviors); Improve partners’ communication about parenting issues; Reduce stress associated with raising children.