
Trauma-Focused Integrated Play Therapy (TFIPT) is a program that uses a combination of directive and nondirective approaches to advance structured, goal-oriented therapy for abused children ages 5 to 17 and their families. TFIPT includes a focused interest in facilitating, encouraging, and allowing nondirective play therapy that often leads to children’s discovery and utilization of post-traumatic play, which is a unique form of play that’s a spontaneous occurrence with young children who experience psychic trauma. Post-Traumatic play appears to be a child’s natural way to induce gradual exposure, narrative formation, and trauma processing. TFIPT is recommended as weekly one =-hour sessions for 6 – 9 months. It is typically conducted in an outpatient clinic or community-based agency. TFIPT has materials in English and Spanish.

Conduct a comprehensive assessment of child’s phenomenological experience of trauma and trauma impact; Identify trauma-related symptoms, if any; Help child explore and express thoughts and feelings associated with children’s abuse; Increase coping strategies and self-regulation to restore pre-abuse functioning; Ensure child’s access to internal and external resources; Enhance child’s self-esteem and sense of competence.