
Trauma Adapted Family Connections (TA-FC) is a conceptual model for working with families with at least one child between 0 and 18 experiencing complex developmental trauma. It builds on Family Connections principles and service components to provide trauma-focused interventions across five, broad domains: (1) trauma-focused family assessment and engagement; (2) psycho-education to teach family members about trauma symptomatology; (3) a focus on building safety capacity with the community and immediate environment; (4) trauma-informed parenting practices and communication; and (5) trauma-informed approaches to working with families.

Positive change over time in protective factors (parenting attitudes, parenting competence, social support); Diminished risk factors (parental depressive symptoms, parenting stress, life stress); and Improved child safety (physical and psychological care of children) and child behavior (internalizing and externalizing behavior).