Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based behavior parent training treatment for young children with conduct disorders that places emphasis on improving the quality of the parent-child relationship and changing parent-child interaction patterns. Children and their caregivers are seen together in PCIT.
PCIT was developed for children ages 2-7 years with externalizing behavior disorders. PCIT is conducted through coaching sessions during which caregiver and child are in a playroom while the therapist is in an observation room watching caregivers interact with the child through a one-way mirror and/or live video feed. This treatment has two phases. The first phase of treatment focuses on establishing warmth in the caregiver-child relationship through learning and apply skills. The second phase of treatment equips caregivers to manage challenging child behaviors while remaining calm. PCIT can be completed within 12 20 sessions. Treatment is not time-limited.
Reductions in antisocial-aggressive behavior, child Maltreatment, and conduct problems.