KEEP is an evidence-based support and skill enhancement education program for foster and kinship parents of children ages 5 to 12 . The program supports foster families by promoting child well-being and preventing placement breakdowns. The objective of KEEP is to give parents effective tools for dealing with their child’s externalizing and other behavioral and emotional problems and to support them in the implementation of those tools.
KEEP groups typically include 7 to 10 foster or kinship parents who attend 16 weekly 90-minute sessions that focus on practical, research-based parenting techniques. KEEP is not a one size fits all curriculum. Each session is tailored to the specific needs, circumstances, and priorities of participating parents and their children. KEEP groups are led by two facilitators who are trained and supervised to implement the program model. KEEP has materials available in English and Spanish.
Decreasing placement disruption rates; Decreasing child behavioral and emotional problems; Decreasing caregiver stress.