
Al’s Pals: Kids Making Healthy Choices is a early childhood curriculum and teaching training program that seeks to develop social-emotional skills such as self-control, problem-solving, and healthy decision-making in children ages 3-8 in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. The program fosters both the personal traits of resilience and the nurturing environments children need to overcome difficulties and fully develop their talents and capabilities. A classroom teacher will deliver 10 to 15-minute lessons twice a week that may include guided creative play, brainstorming, puppetry, original music, and movement. A nine-lesson booster curriculum can be used in second or third grade with children who have previously participated in the full program. Al’s Pals is able to be provided in preschools, early elementary school grades, after-school programs and child care centers.

Increase protective factor of social and emotional competence , Decrease risk factors of antisocial/aggressive behaviors.