
DDP is a model of treatment and parenting for children with problems secondary to abuse, neglect, and multiple placements. When a child’s early attachment history consists of abuse, neglect, and/or multiple placements, they have failed to experience the dyadic (reciprocal) interaction between a child and caregiver that is necessary for normal development and they often has a reduced readiness and ability to participate in such experiences. Many children, when placed in a foster or adoptive home that provides appropriate parenting, are able to learn, day-by-day, how to engage in and benefit from the dyadic experiences provided by the new caregiver.

A comprehensive initial assessment must be conducted that touches on the seven domains that may be affected by Complex Trauma. This treatment program serves to develop a detailed treatment plan. Treatment usually involves 1 session per week of 2 hours divided up as follows:
• The initial several sessions are just with the caregivers to assist them in “discovering” the important elements of attachment-facilitating parenting and in reviewing the text, Attachment Parenting, edited by Arthur Becker-Weidman, PhD.
• Once the caregivers are ready, then each 2-hour session begins with the therapist meeting with the parents, followed by a joint session with the child and caregivers, followed by time with the caregivers to “debrief” about the session.
Treatment must be provided in a consistent manner to develop and maintain a therapeutic alliance. Treatment duration is 1 month per year of child’s age or for adolescents ten to fifteen months. DDP can be delivered in the home, outpatient clinic or residential care. DDP has materials available in a language other than English: Finnish.

Develop a more secure pattern of attachment; Resolve trauma symptoms; Secure a more permanent connection and relationship with the committed caregiver; Increase caregiver attunement with their child; Develop reflective function; Use attachment-facilitating parenting approaches; Increase caregiver sensitivity.