
Wraparound is a comprehensive, intensive holistic method of engaging with children or youth experiencing serious mental health and behavioral challenges. The child and their family work with a team of professionals and natural supports to respond to the needs of the child and the family. The Wraparound team includes the child and their family, the wraparound facilitator, family’s friends, people from their community, and providers of services and supports. The child and their family take the lead I deciding their vision and goals, and in developing individualized services and supports that will help them meeting the goals and vision. The team puts the plan into action, monitors how well it’s working, and makes changes as needed.

Service delivery can vary, but program services are usually provided for an average of 14 months. The program can be conducted in the family home, community-based agency, and group or residential care. Wraparound has materials available in English and Spanish.

Maintain children with highest levels of mental health and related needs successfully and safely in their homes and communities; Improve functioning across life domains; and Decrease out-of-home placements.